Olive Oil Bread with Grapes and Blue Cheese
300g Flour
40 ml Bertolli EVOO
7g Salt
10g Sugar
3g Baking powder
275 ml Milk
100g Blue cheese, diced
Step 1
Take all the ingredients except for the cheese and grapes and mix them together to form a uniform dough.
Step 2
Gently press the dough into a lined oven tray and drizzle with olive oil. Place the grapes on a separate oven tray and drizzle with olive oil.
Step 3
Bake the bread and grapes 230ºC for 6-7 minutes.
Step 4
Let cool, and while the bread is still warm, crumble the blue cheese over the bread, allowing the cheese to melt a bit.
Step 5
Finally, top with grapes.