Legal Notice

Legal Notice

  1. Contact data of the Controller
  • Identity: DEOLEO GLOBAL S.A.U. · Corporate Tax ID No.: A-88465802 · Official Registered Address and Registry: Registered address at ctra. N-IV, km 388, Alcolea (Córdoba). Registry of Córdoba, Volume 2,702, Folio 81 and Sheet CO-40600 · Postal address: Parque Empresarial Rivas Futura. Calle Marie Curie, 7, 4ª. Edificio Beta 28521 – RIVAS VACIAMADRID (MADRID) · Tel. No.: (+34) 91 558 95 05


  1. Acceptance of the Conditions of Use

The use of the website by third parties means that they are considered Users and implies full acceptance by these Users of each of the conditions included in these Conditions of Use. Via its website, DEOLEO may offer information on products that may be subjected to their own particular conditions which, as the case may be, may replace, complement and/or change these conditions. The User must always inform himself about these conditions in each specific case.

  1. Changes in the Conditions of Use

DEOLEO reserves the right to change, develop or update the Conditions of Use of this website at any time without prior notice. The User is automatically under obligation to abide by the Conditions of Use in effect at the time they access the website, so they should periodically read these conditions of use.

  1. Proper use of the website

The User pledges to use the website, its contents and its services in compliance with the law, these Conditions of Use, common decency and the public order. Likewise, the User is required not to use the website or the services provided via this website for purposes or effects that are illicit or run counter to these Conditions of Use, or that are harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way that could damage, disable or deteriorate the website or its services or prevent normal usage of the website by other Users. Likewise, the User expressly pledges not to destroy, alter, disable or damage the data, programmes or electronic or other documents found on the DEOLEO website in any way. The User pledges to not hinder other Users’ access to the service through the massive consumption of computer resources through which DEOLEO provides its services, or to perform any actions that could damage, interrupt or generate errors in these systems. The User pledges not to introduce any programmes, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other kind of logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are susceptible to causing any kind of alteration in the IT systems of DEOLEO or third parties.

  1. Intellectual property

DEOLEO, through its web page, offers contents related to its activity and services, merely for information purposes. DEOLEO shall not be liable for the products, contents and services of other websites that may be directly or indirectly linked through the DEOLEO website, and reserves the right to modify, limit or cancel the access to or the contents of its website when it considers it appropriate, and shall not be liable for any possible disagreements that might arise between the printed version of documents and the electronic version thereof.

DEOLEO, unless it is authorised in writing, prohibits the reproduction, copying, use, commercialisation or any activities involving the contents of its web pages.

Access to this website is the exclusive responsibility of the users. Access to and browsing through this website entails that users accept and are aware of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. This website is not to be altered, changed, modified or adapted. DEOLEO, however, reserves the power to make, at any given time, the changes and modifications it deems convenient, and may use that power at any time and with no prior warning.

  1. Contents:

DEOLEO puts forth its best efforts to avoid any errors in the contents that might appear on this website. DEOLEO does not guarantee or take liability for the consequences that might arise in the contents provided by third parties that might appear on this website.

DEOLEO does not take liability or guarantee that the access to this website will be uninterrupted or error free. Neither does it take liability or guarantee that the contents or software that may be accessed through this website will be error free or will not cause damage. In no event shall DEOLEO be liable for the losses, damages or harm of any kind arising from the access to and use of the web page, including but not limited to the introduction of viruses. DEOLEO shall not be liable for the damages that might be caused to users due to the inadequate use of this website.

  1. Applicable laws and jurisdiction

Any discrepancy or grievance that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these Conditions of Use shall be governed by Spanish laws and subjected to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid, unless another judge or tribunal corresponding to the consumer’s home is applicable in the case of consumer lawsuits.